Thursday, July 14, 2011

Nat's Deliciously Divinely not-so-healthy Spinach & Artichoke Dip!

This is one of the only concoctions I can actually pride myself with. I usually burn, undercook or manage some other way to mess all of my cooking up. But it's relatively simple and its SO delicious. Everyone will think you're SO gourmet.

you need - Artichokes (whole or halved, you need to chop them up finely anyway) 1 can is plenty
Spinach! I love fresh spinach and put it on EVERYTHING! There can never be enough. use at least half a bag.
cream cheeeeeese!! and lots of it. one block!
1 cup (ish) sour cream
2 TBLspoons mayo
a lot of more cheeeeese! Mozzarella for the top when you broil it, but when i'm feeling funky (and when I have enough money) I like to use Asiago cheese (yum!) fresh Parmesan, and Ementolle
ground black pepper (as much as you can!)
chili flakes (or fresh chilis are even better!)

Step one:
chop artichokes and spinach to your desired chunky-ness. (I like super chunky but some people like theirs a bit finer) throw into a big mixing bowl and mix it up!
in a seperate bowl, mix all of your cream cheese, sour cream, mayo, pepper, chilis (put to desired spicyness) and if you're using awesome special cheeses, grate them up finely and throw them in too. Mix it all up! If you have a food processor that's cool, you can use it. But I don't and I think it turns out great without it. more.. rustic. :)
add your artichokes and spinach mixture to the big bowl of delish mayo-y-cheesy-goodness
 - Have you noticed I never measure anything? :)
Step .. 4?
put into a lovely casserole dish. layer a decent layer of mozzarella on top!
cook for about 10-15 on 400C then for the last 30 secs to 1 minute broil the cheese to it gets nice and brown and bubbly!

I like to use blue corn chips because they have a great juxtaposed colour compared to the greenish yellow tint of the dip. And I think they taste better. But That's just me!

Once you have your tortillas, dip and everything else all set, garnish with a few cloves, or a whole chili.

This is my favorite thing to make, it brings your favorite people together, to laugh, eat and drink!
Enjoy! :)

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